Sunday, November 11, 2012

Differences?! and Ramblings..

So I was talking to N this weekend and it seems like everything I say he is the opposite, I know they say opposites attract but at what point is different just too different??

I know that part of the reason this is bothering me so much is because of the fact that I'm in full blown bitch mode and I'm pushing him away, and another reason is because I'm PMSing (I know TMI lol) but I seriously feel like it's everything I say he has a comment to come back with. I feel like we have been at each others throats all weekend. I hope that this next week and a half that I don't see him I can take a step back and take the couple of deep breaths to get my shit together and stop being like this. I'm not even sure if this is something I should tell him or talk to him about...?? Maybe he doesn't realize he's doing it, or maybe I'm doing what I always do and over reacting to the situations.. I need time to just take a step back and breathe. I'm trying.. I really really am.

On another note I found out that I can withdraw from a class that I desperately need to get out of. I didn't realize it was going to be this hard when I started taking this class, and I probably should have taken a computer class before I took this one.. oh the class that I'm talking about is a Information Security class. It's all online and it all has to do with computers and therefore since I know nothing about computers I feel really confused most of the time while I am reading and trying to do my homework. Anyways the deadline to withdraw from classes was November 1st, well by that time I had only had that class once or twice since it started mid semester and I didn't realize how hard it would be. I called and found out that I can indeed withdraw and it won't affect my financial aide or anything else for that matter. I'm extremely excited about this because I'm sure if I couldn't get out of it I would probably fail..


Haha wanted to leave you with something funny. That's a person swimming and a shark coming after him.. I'm such a child sometimes.. I know I know grow up! I will one day, for now I'm going to continue to act a little childish and a whole lot adult the rest of the time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you so much, I hadn't thought of it like that, and it is so much better to hear someone else's perspective. It's really hard for me to take a step back and see things the way they are. And I'm not saying I'm closed minded but I had never thought of it like that, as far as maybe I'm just so used to fighting to make things feel "good" it makes so much sense and I'm so glad you gave me your 2-cents! :)

  2. Wow, what Robin said made really good sense to me too! You will like her, she's awesome! :-) I'm going to with what she says, as best answer here. I also believe it's always good to talk out your feelings, when you are calm, not when you are contesting with each other. If you bottle up little frustrations and resentments they grow and soon explode in a nasty mess. But yes, just let life flow a little bit and see where it takes you. One of my favorite quotations says "Life is not a problem to solve, it is a mystery to experience". Amen!

    I could well relate to your difficulties with the computer class. I've learned it all piece by piece over the years as needed, but don't have a lot of the tech background that would be helpfl and necessary to take something more advanced. It is probably wise to wait and get the foundation class first, so it won't be so stressful trying to keep up with this one. Good for you for looking at options instead of just being frustrated!

    BTW, I love the shark and swimmer... sent it to my daughter! :-)
