This month is November and everyone is doing Thankful Day and they are putting the day of the month it is. I think this is a fantastic idea, unfortunately it is now day 8 and I am 8 days behind. But I figured its better late than never right?! So today I am going to just say that I am thankful for life. I may not be the most mentally stable person you will ever meet, but I am definitely thankful for the life I have been given and the chances I have been given to be here and still be alive. My life has came close to ending too many times for me to count being this young.. not many people my age have been through half the stuff that I have, but that's okay, I don't really mind. It was a learning opportunity and it led me to the place that I am today. And am I ever glad to be in the spot that I am in. I have a man that thinks the world of me and treats me like a princess, he thinks that the sun shines out my ass no matter what mood I'm in.. I have a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy and to show me that not all guys are pigs that hit woman.
Not only do I have N in my life but I have his family as well. His family is the most accepting bunch of people I have ever met and I am so thankful to have them in my life. Today I posted a status about my mail box looking empty and if my family wanted to send me food it would be much appreciated.. N's mom R commented on my status and said "I will mail you some food what do you want and what is your address? " This made me the happiest girl in the world. I kid you not there is not a girl in this world who was happier than me at the moment of reading that. I texted N and told him I loved his mom and he goes "you know she's your mom now too, and she loves you and wants you to be happy" well guess what it worked!! I was, and I am so thankful they are part of my family.
As far as family goes I don't have much, I have my mom but we don't really get along, and I have my sister but she lives in Alaska and I don't get to see her. And I have K, K is a lady I started babysitting for and she is as close to the real deal that I have. I can talk to her about anything and I know she will understand and listen and not judge me and help me make decisions with a smart mind. I am thankful she is in my life!! When I first started dating N she was the first person I wanted him to meet. I was so glad when she told me she liked him.
I am thankful for the life I have been given to life, and I hope that I make Him happy by living the way He thinks I should.
This was an awesome thankfulness post! The most necessary and awesome thing in the world is to know that there are people who love you and care about you. There are so many of us who have at times felt so very all alone, that if we were to disappear or die no one would notice. It sounds like you are slowly creating a supportive family of people who will be there for you. You are blessed indeed. I also love your faith, it is the one thing that will remain contant in your life and be there to see you thru the darkest times. Hold on tight to it always! HUGS