Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Changed Layout

I hope that my new blue background is a little bit easier to see and read. I was told by someone that having a black background with white text is hell on the eyes and give people super bad headaches. Sorry about that, didn't realize the effect it would have! I hope that this is a little bit more easy on the eyes and y'all keep reading! Thank you!


  1. Mr. Monkey has really strong feelings about black backgrounds, they don't give me that much trouble, but are harder on the eyes. This is a bit softer and easier to read, pretty colors too! Thank you! :-) Now could we get you to remove that word verification thing? I'm not very good at those at all! (I know... complaints, complaints! HEHE)

    1. Word verification thing?? What's that??

    2. It's the "captcha" thing that requires commenters to enter the fuzzy number and made up word they see in the box in order to have our comments post to your blog. It's purpose is to prevent spam. Sometimes it takes me three or more tries to get it right and by then I tend to give up. You can turn it off in comment settings! Blogger has a pretty good spam program so hopefully you shouldn't need it on. :-)

  2. I try not to complain but im getting older and my eyes aren't what they used to be.

    I like the new layout and yes, much easier to read.

  3. I don't find an email address here or on your profile, but mine is jts.2000@yahoo.com Feel free to use it any time you like! :-)

  4. Still looks black to me but having no trouble seeing it.
